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PingPlotter Sidekick Cloud FAQ

Q: What data is this collecting?

A: PingPlotter Sidekick only collects ping and trace route data (this includes the IP address/DNS name of the destination and intermediate hops), as well as the Machine Name of the device on which the agent is installed. We do not track which websites you visit. We do not track which applications you use. We do not sell your personal information (name/email address). If you have further questions regarding the data collected, please review our Privacy Policy.

Q: I am having trouble getting going with Sidekick, is there a more step-by-step document that can help me?

A: Yes, we would recommend that you check out our Sidekick Getting Started Guide. If you get stuck or have any questions please get in touch with Support.

Q: It keeps telling me the Agent is offline or I'm getting an error message, what do I do?

A: If it’s saying that the Agent is offline yet you know that your computer is on and working correctly please get in touch with Support and we can get things sorted out for you.

Q: I Installed Sidekick on more than one machine and now it doesn’t work, what can I do?

A: Sidekick is only designed to be installed on one machine but don’t worry we can help you out. Please get in touch with Support and we can help you get Sidekick working again.

Q: I already had PingPlotter installed on my computer and after installing Sidekick I don’t see anything different, what am I missing?

A: PingPlotter Sidekick is a cloud-based product and while it does have a locally installed Agent version of PingPlotter you access your results using the link sent to you in the fulfillment email. If you have lost this link, please get in touch with Support.

Q: Some of my graphs froze or stopped tracing, what should I do?

A: Try clicking the Clear All and Restart button at the bottom of the trace graph screen. Once you click the button give it a minute and it will try to restart all of the traces. If all your traces don’t come back you can try clicking the button again but be patient as it is trying to find where to trace to.

Q: I want to extend my Sidekick beyond the initial 28 days, how do I do this?

A: Go ahead and purchase another Sidekick, and then immediately let us know by email that you want to extend your current Sidekick (instead of having a completely new one). We'll extend your current Sidekick, and invalidate the new one you just purchased.