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Special bundles available for contact centers or MSPs. Talk to a Product Specialist!

PingPlotter Cloud Pricing

Continuously monitor two active connections per agent. Troubleshoot with burst targets as needed.

Agents Burst Targets Volume Discount Monthly Price
5 6 assignable to any agent -- $90
10 12 assignable to any agent 11% $160
25 15 assignable to any agent 33% $300

Talk to sales to craft a plan that fits your needs.

up to 66% Custom

All prices are in US Dollars. If you are interested in a yearly subscription, please connect with our sales team.

Hire Smarter with NetCheck

Screen pre-hire internet performance with NetCheck, included in plans with 50 or more agents.

Verify Pre-Hire Connections
Why PingPlotter Cloud?

Find and fix internet issues faced by contact centers, legal IT, MSPs, financial services, and VoIP alike.

Use Cases

  • Reducing remote worker internet downtime.
  • Troubleshooting network routes between office locations.
  • Pre-qualifying internet connections before installing service or starting remote work.


  • Share live results with anyone inside or outside your business.
  • Find issues faster with the help of a network troubleshooting assistant.
  • Quickly deploy to hundreds of computers.

Try PingPlotter Cloud Risk-Free

We offer a 30 day money back guarantee on all purchases. If you're not completely satisfied, we'll give you your money back.

Customize your Plan

Talk to a product specialist about custom pricing, enterprise rollouts, and whatever else you need.