Version 5 Manual
Interpreting Results - Longterm Monitoring
PingPlotter allows you to use the timeline graphs to zoom in on any particular time, so even if you weren't there (or didn't save an image) when something was happening, you can still recover that exact image later. You shouldn't ever have to be sitting in front of your computer when an outage happens, or you experience other problems on your network, to get the data you need from PingPlotter.
The Scenario:
You're having outages (or situations you want to communicate to your ISP) randomly throughout the day (let's say twice a day). The problem is that you can't be there every time an outage happens so you can save a graph image.
Using PingPlotter's timeline graph, you can see over the past X time period (see below) to identify a time period where there were problems. Click and drag the Timeline graph to move back and forward in time. Problems will demonstrate themselves as packet loss (red), or high latency.
Now you want to show the route, and the packet loss/latency in the upper graph for that time period. Since that time has already passed, you need to change the focus of the upper graph to that time in the past.
Double-click on the "problem period" in the lower graph. You'll see a blue Focus Period appear on the lower time graph, and the upper graph will change to represent the data you have "focused" in the lower graph. Once you've done this, you might want to change the scale of the lower graph to show more detail. Right-click on the lower time graph again and change the scale to an hour (or maybe even 30 or 10 minutes depending on how long the outage was). The focus rectangle should still be visible. You can fine tune the data being displayed in the upper graph by double-clicking on the lower graph again.
Using these techniques, you should be able to zoom in on exactly the right data to best illustrate the problems you're seeing. You can look at the data after the problem occurs and get the perfect picture and not have to sit there watching PingPlotter all day and night.
You can auto-save that data by for instance having the auto-save function in PingPlotter create new files every day, and then load up a prior day to do the same thing you did above for a particular time. This gives you the capability to have pretty close to 100% coverage of your network performance and be able to zoom in on any particular outage, period of slow response, etc.
The options in the alert setup do allow you to have the .PP2 file (trace data) emailed, and then you can use these same capabilities to zoom in on that data.