Step 5 Solve the Problem

Let’s show this network problem what you’ve got!

How you go about solving the issue will depend on if it’s inside your control:

I’ve got my local issue pegged — what’s next?

Think you know what’s causing your network problem? That’s great! Just like in Step 4, you can use the wealth of PingPlotter’s knowledge to start fixing things.

It’s important to remember not every solution is 100% fool-proof. Sometimes you may think you’re looking at one issue, when in truth it’s something else entirely. What’s important is to keep trying. If you are struggling to find the right solution, PingPlotter’s share tools can get a second pair of eyes on the problem. Communities like r/Networking, Tom’s Hardware, or game-specific forums are filled with friendly people who can help you across the finish line.

I’m ready to build my case to a 3rd party — now what?

Once you’ve got your PingPlotter data and a suitable point of contact, it’s time to make your case.

Before you make contact, you should do a little prep work to speed up the process. First and foremost, do your best to be patient. Depending on the issue, it could take as much as a few days to resolve. Remember: Forward progress means you’re succeeding! Next, head off the obvious support responses by doing the basic troubleshooting tasks (like resetting your router and checking power cords) beforehand. Finally, be prepared to answer questions. Do a refresher on your collected data and, if possible, do a little research on the problem you’re having and how it might be impacting other users.

To present the most compelling argument, your case should have the following:

  • Clarity — Explain the issue as clearly as possible. This means describing your experience and how the problem fits in.
  • Evidence — Use PingPlotter’s Share function, saved sample sets, and screenshots to give the whole picture. The more data you can present, the better. It’s tempting to just send your worst-looking results, but this will likely get you blown off. Let them see exactly how this is impacting you; you’ll get better results by putting all your cards on the table.
  • Correlation — It’s important to tie your experience to the data. “When X happens, PingPlotter shows this.”
  • Objectivity — Stick to the facts. There’s no need to exaggerate or be combative. Your experience and evidence are proof enough of the issue, and the more resolution-focused you are, the better chance you’ll have of others taking up your cause.

Once you present your case, try to give the service provider some time to get the ball rolling. However, don’t be afraid to follow up if you don’t get an answer. If the provider has a typical response window, hold them to it.

Do your best to follow the instructions given by support. If you start feeling like you aren’t making progress, calmly (as possible) communicate the situation. If it gets real bad, be ready to take things to the next person in line, to social media, or, if it comes to it, to another service provider. It doesn’t always feel great needing to escalate an issue, but neither does having a problem a provider refuses to fix.

You can learn more about presenting a compelling case to a service provider here.

Hopefully, the dust is finally beginning to settle on your network issue. Now, all that’s left is to ride off into the sunset.