PingPlotter Cloud Manual
Manage Sessions
The Session Manager is a tool that allows you to interact with your PingPlotter data. You can get there by going to Manage --> Sessions.
Using a table format, the Session Manager categorizes your Target Sessions using the following criteria:
- Target Name - This is the DNS name (or IP address if no name is available) of the target
- Target IP - This is the target's IP address
- Dynamic DNS - Tells you if this target is configured to follow dynamic route changes
- Session Start - The date that the session was started
- Session End - The date that the session ended and, if it's still active, it should have the current date and time
- Samples - This tells you how many data samples have been collected for this Target
- Status - The state of the Target Session. It can be Active / Paused / or Closed
- Agent - This tells you on which Agent the Target is/was deployed
- Actions - Allows you to either Open or Delete a Session
Target Management
Every Target you've ever started or closed (unless you deleted it) can be found in the Session Manager. If you're looking to track down a Target Session, select a session from the table and choose Open. This option will bring the session back into view within the PingPlotter Cloud interface. You can select the Target and press the Start button to resume the Target Session.