Using PingPlotter

Getting Help with PingPlotter Share Pages

When you have a really great friend who is helping you

First, if you do have a friend who wants to help you with your network issue - you have a great friend! Sharing your data couldn't be easier. The share by email link in the upper right corner of your share page is probably your best bet. If you have a friend with the mobile edition of PingPlotter (or maybe they just want to view the page on their mobile device) you can copy the page address by clicking on the link icon and using copy/paste to send it through your favorite messaging application. Don't forget a hearty thanks to them for helping your network troubleshooting suck less - something we all appreciate.

When you have problems with a single website, game, or service

If you want to enlist the help of technical support or from an online forum, we have you covered. Using the same copy/paste function mentioned above you can share your link in a support chat, email or forum post. You don't even need to worry if they have PingPlotter because every share page includes a snapshot of your data in image format. PingPlotter has an enormous following though, so you are likely to find that the webmaster or gaming company are equip to help you.

When you have problems no matter where you go on the internet

Let's face it - this one really sucks. If you have an internet connection that is spotty or slow no matter where you go, then you definitely want to share your link with your internet service provider. Sometimes internet providers have Facebook or Twitter accounts dedicated to answering support questions. Sharing on social media and support forums is a great way to not only get help from your ISP but also from their user community.

When you have a support department or IT professional

Check with your support provider and see if they use an online submission or "ticketing" system. If they do you can paste your link directly into the web page or application they provide.